Memorization... Is it Worth it?
Many educators and professionals debate this topic, but I am pro-memorization. Let me tell you why…
I understand it is rare in today’s society that we need to have facts memorized about anything. If we are unsure of an answer, can’t find our way, or forgot the phone number for the doctor, we just do a quick Google search or ask Alexa and we have our answers.

But studies have shown that when have facts about a subject memorized, we are actually able to critically think about the subject better. When we have our children memorize presidents’ names, political parties, and years in office, we are actually unlocking their ability to critically think about the direction our country is going. When we arm our kids with memorizing simple addition, subtraction, and multiplication, we make advanced level math easier and give them the ability to see patterns in their own world! Plus, the simple act of knowing something, makes it that much easier and less taxing on our brains.
There are tons of things your kids can memorize beyond their address and your phone number. Kids can memorize scripture, poems, parts of famous speeches. It doesn’t have to be something educational to provide value. Memorizing simple books like Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? by Bill Martin Jr. can help young children recognize colors in their real world, develop language skills, and begin understanding patterns and rhythms. Simply put, memorization is exercise for the brain!
So to answer the question… yes, memorization is worth it! I want my children to be able to critically think about the world around them and memorization is the key to unlocking that ability. If you’re new to memorization, start small. Begin with something your child is interested in or a family favorite poem. You would be amazed how much a young brain can memorize over time!