Embrace Car-Schooling
When we first started homeschooling, I was determined to not run from activity to activity during the day. I set specific homeschool hours and nothing else would happen during that time. It was great! We finished school early and had most of the day to play and explore our world, but my peaceful, strict schedule started to get up ended when my favorite Zumba class landed right in the middle. We adjusted and made things work. After all, the kids needed “recess” and I could count that hour as still beneficial to them and their overall education. But our beautiful schedule came to a grinding halt when we moved across the country.
We quickly realized the best way to get our children active and meeting new friends in our new town was to enroll them in classes of their own. My son started karate two days a week and we made sure his classes were in the afternoons so they didn’t conflict with homeschool. But when my daughter started ballet, our class choices were over dinner or in the morning. We opted for the morning class and had to figure out a new way to school.
I decided (kicking and screaming) the only way to make it through the homeschool day was to resort to car-schooling. We wake up, eat breakfast, tackle our “table subjects”, pack up the rest, and head out the door. While my daughter is in ballet, my son and I finish his History and Science readings for the day. At first, I thought he would hate it, but we have found that hour of car-schooling is his most productive hour of homeschool all week. After seeing the benefits, I now save some of my daughter’s reading for when my son is in karate. One on one time with them is valuable! These years won’t last forever.
I am so happy I finally gave in to car-schooling. I still don’t want it to be a daily thing, but one day a week it works out just fine!
Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.